Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


DEGESCO is made up of 21 fully-fledged centers and CIBERNED (The Network Center for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases). These centers are:

  • Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBM/CSIC) (Madrid)
  • Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED).
  • Fundació ACE (Barcelona).
  • Fundación CIEN, Centro Alzheimer – Fundación Reina Sofía (Madrid)
  • Hospital Clínic - IDIBAPS (Barcelona).
  • Hospital La Paz (Madrid).
  • Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander).
  • Hospital Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau (Barcelona).
  • Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (Oviedo).
  • Instituto Biodonostia (San Sebastián).
  • Instituto Biomedicina de Valencia – CSIC (Valencia).
  • Navarrabiomed (Pamplona)
  • Fundació Pasqual Maragall (Barcelona)
  • Fundación CITA-Alzheimer Fundazioa (San Sebastian)
  • Hospital Mútua de Terrassa (Terrasa)
  • Hospital Universitari Santa Maria Lleida/IRBLLeida (Lleida)
  • Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)
  • Hospital Universitario Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca)
  • Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia (IANEC) (Malaga)
  • Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS) (Sevilla)
  • Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid)
  • Centro de Investigación Lascaray UPV/EHU (Vitoria)
  • Hospital de la Princesa (Madrid)
  • Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Murcia)
  • Clínica Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona)

Each center has the power to leave the consortium at any time without the need for any justification. In the same way, all signatories can add, replace or remove researchers linked to DEGESCO from their own group at any time. Membership also does not imply any need to participate in all initiatives and proposals.

In order to achieve the general objectives of DEGESCO, members can freely participate in the design and execution of any initiative. Moreover, they can freely choose to participate or not in the proposed experiments and the analysis of the results obtained.

Incorporation of new members

DEGESCO is an initiative open to the incorporation of new centers. Any public or private entity with accredited scientific capacity from the Spanish state can apply to join this initiative. To do this, the applicant groups must submit their request to the Executive Committee of DEGESCO. Once the proposal has been reviewed, the Executive Committee will propose the new incorporation to all the members. The proposal to incorporate any center must be approved by a simple majority (51%) of the members of the consortium.

Those centers or groups interested in joining the DEGESCO consortium may apply using the following form:

Application form for the incorporation of new groups